Say What? These mitochondria are power cells/forces within our cells.
Our health and quality/level of health is dependent on how many
mitochondria we have in each of our cells.

The More the Better.

Some cells have none – not one mitochondria for example – red blood cells, the liver may have 10s of thousands up to 40,000.The Heart has 40% of the cardiac serum filled with Mitochondria.
So what does these mitochondria actually do within our cells?

  • They are well known for their energy (ATP) production.
  • They are a storehouse for the mineral Calcium.
  • They have a lot to do with the assimilation of Protein
  • They have a function with Heat – Body Heat production
  • They are involved with the death of each cell so on the positive viewpoint, mitochondria are heavily into REGENERATION.
  • The casting off of ‘finished’ cells making way for the regeneration and creation of NEW Cells.

So indeed mitochondria are very important for our quality of life. And yet so unseen and can only be viewed under a stained glass from a microscope perspective.

Becoming Well

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Mitochondria are more than our friends.
We NEED them for Life and to LIVE.

Although symptoms of a mitochondrial disease vary greatly, they might include:

  • loss of muscle coordination and weakness
  • problems with vision or hearing
  • learning disabilities
  • heart, liver, or kidney disease
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • neurological problems, including dementia

Other conditions that are thought to involve some level of mitochondrial dysfunction, include:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • bipolar disorder
  • schizophrenia
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Huntington’s disease
  • diabetes
  • autism
  • Mitochondria and aging

Over recent years, researchers have investigated a link between mitochondria dysfunction and aging. There are a number of theories surrounding aging, and the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging has become popular over the last decade or so.

The theory is that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced in mitochondria, as a byproduct of energy production. These highly charged particles damage DNA, fats, and proteins.

Because of the damage caused by ROS, the functional parts of mitochondria are damaged. When the mitochondria can no longer function so well, more ROS are produced, worsening the damage further.

Although correlations between mitochondrial activity and aging have been found, not all scientists have reached the same conclusions. Their exact role in the aging process is still unknown.

In a nutshell

Mitochondria are, quite possibly, the best-known organelle. And, although they are popularly referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, they carry out a wide range of actions that are much less known about.
From calcium storage to heat generation, mitochondria are hugely important to our cells’ everyday functions.

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