Immune System


Rather than get into the anatomicals and the Lymphatics I would prefer to discuss the betterment of our Immune System.
What makes us stronger and more likely to overcome the sneaky wayward viruses that are in our world.

  • SLEEP – Good quality Sleep
  • HOME – an ambiance that makes you relax and rest.
  • RECREATION – Re-Create – Rejuvenate – Create – a hobby, nurturing our left brain. Walking on a beach, in a city in the rain or sunshine. Admire the trees, plants, flowers, birds.
  • FOOD – Create your fuel for the re-build and maintenance or your body, mind and spirit. Follow your Foodie Leader – Mine is Jamie Oliver – I love his LOVE and exuberance for life and his creations in his kitchen.

With all these factors on a high

How could a virus sneak in? Well, sometimes they do.

REST, DRINK plenty of WATER and LOVE yourself through the viral journey.

Our Immune System is genius – it will remember this matrix and protect you forever. However, there is no time to relax our stance in continually building up our Immune System – there is always another virus, swirling around changing its variation of molecules to again try US to be their host.

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