Herbal Medicine

It is truly amazing that many plants that grow wild are here to heal us!

Since Ancient times

Those with the knowledge have gone to the forests and bush to gather the plant – either it’s roots, leaves and flowers.

For all diseases and maladies from infected nail, stomach upsets to headaches, there are Herbs to soothe and balance our body back to harmony.

Sleeplessness is easily re-set with herbs like Passionflower, hops, Oats, Valerian and more.

Becoming Well

Natural Health

Listening to You

Transform Your Life

Observation and Study

Observation and study over our centuries have us at a very good place now in our 21st Century – now a herb is known to be one of many herbs that can assist with harmonizing our Nervous System. – A person who wails and cries – Pulsatilla is more suited, a person  who slams doors and yells is a ‘Valerian’ type – and so on. Thus a good herbalists can fine-tune their client’s herbal compound to be so spot on for just ‘that’ individual.

A tea of herbs is healing however, a fluid extract of that same herb is much more potent.
Essential Oils are a herbal extract that is the most concentrated form of the plant.

Herbal education is a must to be able to prescribe and dispense whatever form of herb used.

My doses are minimal – to stimulate our body to heal itself.

A reputable company here in New Zealand Aotearoa supplies my dispensary with Fluid Extracts of each herb which allows me to blend the right herbs and the right dose to the right person.

Safety and Professionalism

I live in a lush sub-tropical part of our country so a friend will supply me a tincture of Olive Leaf so I gather from my local environment when I can.

Of course with a good 70 years of our laboratory created pharmaceuticals, and the amount of people ingesting them on their Doctor’s prescription, it is necessary to actually know the dynamics of how Herbs and Pharmaceutical Medicine harmonize (or antagonize) together.
For your safety, I have all safety data to ensure that Your herbal compound will fit-in with your Doctor’s prescription.

Some Herbs can be taken often and for a longtime, others should only be taken for up to 3 weeks only.

23 years I had full professional membership with a New Zealand Association of Medical Herbalists, however, with any submissions to our Parliament met with disdain and not accepted to approve Herbalists in being ‘primary health providers’.
All we have after 30 years of submissions is to be included in the Competency Act. A small step in the right direction!
So with New Zealand Law as it stands today, I and my clients are protected by the Medsafe banner of ‘Natural Therapists’.
You are welcome to view at your leisure www.medsafe.co.nz/naturaltherapists
Administration and politics aside, Herbal Medicine and my training is about YOU Harmonising and balancing your many layers of Health and Vitality so you are able to enjoy a wondrous level and quality of life.

Life is for Living!

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