Foods and Illness

All Foods Under the Sun

Certain conditions have certain food families that do not agree with our systems once digested.

Arthritis Family of Conditions

Incidentally Arthritis is so common in Caucasian population – up to 90% – so it is very common in varying levels of severity and discomfort.

Oranges and their juice are known to exacerbate (make worse) some arthritis conditions. The Nightshade Family – Potatoes, tomatoes, Capsicum, Eggplant (aubergine) tobacco are also not kind to Arthritic people.

Allergies – Wheat, Dairy can make some people worse in their symptoms
of any of the many Arthritis.

There are some people who cannot have any seafood, some can eat fish but not shellfish and crayfish/prawn or their body will react very quickly puffing up restricting their respiratory system and airways that eating these foods will stop them living.


Some people have the painful condition of Gout – often triggered by a combination of Seafood and Alcohol.
However, some are triggered into bouts of painful inflamed Gout – often at the joint of the Greater toe on the foot, without any consumption of either Seafood/shellfish/alcohol.

Celiac Disease

An inflammatory condition of our bowel – often it is a trait of health passed down through the generations.
Very severe and has to be carefully treated and lived with and is VERY sensitive to food groups. Gluten is its worst enemy.

Gentle food containing mucilage are helpful – Slippery Elm Bark…Aleo Vera – however please test your ability to digest comfortably any foods.


A condition of our Large Colon, pockets are formed in the bowel lining. These pockets often become inflamed and infected by food debris that get caught up within their crevices. – Nuts and seeds – small seeds as in the strawberry seeds that cover the outside of the fruit. Tomato seeds, Kiwifruit seeds. Oils – fatty fried food can set off
an ‘attack’ of griping pain. Often a surgical option is to remove part of the bowel – a major organ loss. Foods have a strong reaction to Diverticulitis and it is a condition that must be carefully managed to live a full and quality life.


A strange condition that is 100% food related and comes on after eating – A heavy carbohydrate meal may bring on the ‘Burn’. Being overweight and or pregnant may be a strong factor and cause of this condition.
Losing weight, increasing our energy output and exercise will only help this condition. The bulk of stored body fat over our upper abdomen seems to bring this condition to the fore. Drinking more good quality drinks also will help. Herbal Teas are delicious hot or cold.


Interestingly, sometimes there are many causes for ‘that’ pimple or nest of cystic acne eruptions. It is NOT only food that causes Acne. Constipation as well as triggering headaches, digestive upsets and emotional states – even depression, not wanting to socialize. Constipation is a bad culprit for many conditions. See my page including Constipation for what to do. It often appears in our teenage years when our hormones – estrogen and testosterone seem to flood our bodies and personalities. Hygiene usually has nothing to do with a ‘break-out’ as super self-conscious teens with their facial hair appearing, voice dropping Breasts emerging and the onset of menstruation – we are often ‘In-the-bathroom’, Usually full of self-loathing and whining. The WHY-ME as we smother our face with toothpaste cos someone said her grandmother said it was good to get rid of pimples. We are constantly steaming our face and learning words, acne related that are nauseating and we would rather not know.

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