
Essential Oils

Essential Oils Course is not open yet.

The most potent and concentrated form of any plant.

Some plants yield over their ‘scent’ in the form of volatile or essential oil. Some plants do not because they do not have an essential oil.


I wish you joy in your extension of your knowledge in this wonderful modality of 


The use of Essential Oils in a medicinal format.

Aromatherapy is a wonderful ‘tool’ to address Stress, Unwind and Relax with their assistance.

Essential Oils are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral – so ever useful in our family and working lives today.

They are ingested by way of inhalation or through absorption by our skin – the perfect massage oil blend.

Cleansing, Soothing and Relaxing.

This Unit will look at When and How to utilize Essential Oils, Their safety, their efficacy.

I will provide some essential oils – see my shop. Most essential oils are available in small size bottles – this allows you to always use fresh essential oils without having to invest a lot.


I am available for any further questions to ensure your understanding of this course and it’s contents.

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