Dairy Free

Thank You Cow!! but no Thank You.

The Low Down

Being Dairy Free in a country that actually is up there in the World’s supply of Milk, butter and Cheeses is not an overly popular frame of lifestyle.

However, if you have an allergy to Dairy and or Dairy makes your system – Respiratory and Digestive system produce an excess of mucus – Well, the only action for the betterment of your health is to completely avoid all foods Dairy.

Feta Cheese – a cheese from Goat’s Milk may be acceptable to you and kind to your systems.

Yoghurt and Cottage Cheese are 2 Dairy products that I can safely eat. However it is up to you to ‘test’ each food as to how you react to it.

One Man's meat is another one's poison

A great prophet once said, and how true.

Wheat, Coffee, Dairy and Alcohol are the 4 No Nos for any bowel and stomach conditions, headaches are also a side-effect of having a Dairy allergy. Regardless of our national GDP, we must do what is right for us, at our own dining room table and kitchen.

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