Carbs For Gluten Free

To Gluten or Not Gluten.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is so common, especially in women – of all ages but no doubt there are percentages of men who suffer this digestive disease and discomfort.

Celiac Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Sensitive Tummies

are all pointers to actually trying an eating regime that totally excludes gluten.

Wheat is our main food and also the main food that contains gluten – BREAD delicious bread.

However there are many lovely loaves of bread available that we can still enjoy our favourite sandwiches and toast toppings.
I cannot eat an egg a) without salt and b) without being on top of a piece of toast or two.
So the Gluten-free breads are a gastronomical godsend for me.

Buckwheat is an awesome grain

Actually not a grain – it is a flower—-interesting and makes beautiful breads, pancakes and waffles.

So with a little tweaking here and there, Life without Wheat is Doable.

If you have the discomfort of any of the above conditions, you will soar with energy and Health with ‘thinking outside the box’ and
including Buckwheat – which has no relation to wheat, Rye has a little gluten in it as does Oats.
Depending on your condition and its level of severity, you may be able to cope well with rye and oats.

We do need carbohydrates – the more ‘complex’ the better – less milled the better. For Energy production that is kick-started by our
digestive system processing the carbohydrates into glucose – of which our brain requires to live.
So it is not congruent to health to cut carbohydrates thinking they are bad – They are good.
For our health we just have to find the RIGHT Carbs for us as unique individuals.

Tricky but Yes do-able.

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