
Joan Lourie

  • 1990 – Bronze Medal for volunteering at the 1990 Commonwealth Games Massage Team
  • 1992 – Diploma of Natural Therapeutics
  • 1992 – Diploma of Medical Herbalism
  • 1994  – Advanced Diploma of Fascial Kinetics (Bowen)
  • 2011 – Certificate of Adult Teaching
ThetaHealing® certificates from 2014 and ongoing
  • ThetaHealing® Basic DNA
  • ThetaHealing® Advanced
  • Thetahealing® Dig Deeper
  • ThetaHealing® You and The Creator
  • ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Instructors
  • ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Instructors

Becoming Well

Natural Health

Listening to You

Transform Your Life

My Mother wasn’t well – she became proactive in becoming well. She replaced all processed food, white sugar, white flour with wheatgerm, wholemeal flour, made our bread twice a week. The juice extractor became a major appliance on the bench.
She became well.

I saw her transformation and marveled at it and knew ‘One Day’ I would follow this Natural Way. After years in the corporate finance world I remembered my passion for Natural Health. Studied for 5 years and received my 2 Diplomas. I have been so fortunate in working my trade for over 30 years now – mainly just listening.

Not judging, not talking – listening to others pain and reality. They would share with me their worlds and after my massage or Bowen they would feel a lot better. Their brain had released worries, their body was relaxed. They breathed more easy.

What have I learned?

That we are all individuals. The same but so very different.
The same in that we need another to sound off to, to talk to…..to hear ourselves talk our ‘real talk’.
A special time for me as my clients spoke their reality, their joys, their heart breaks and their disappointments and challenges.

Our daughter was born, naturally and I loved being her Mum as she needed when she was little. I am very proud of the woman she has become.  Being a Mother connected me to the community even more – teachers, all teaching me another aspect of life as we went through the many changes of life as we grew.

My clinics – I always had one either in a shopping centre or at home. I created a space where clients felt safe for their weekly or fortnightly or only session with me.
Often this time was for them to re-evaluate where they had been and where they were going….spiritually or physically or emotionally. A special time shared.
I would reinterpret their ‘being’ at that moment and formulate a Bach Flower Remedy or Herbal Compound to help them balance their emotions and physical wellbeing. Most who are attracted to a Naturopath for Massage and other work eat really well – Like attracts like so food not often came into their equation of regaining balance in their lives.
Often a simple remedy of White Chestnut together with the Homeopathic 30C Aconite would be enough to stop a chattering mind at night resulting in a good night’s sleep.
I love helping people.


2014 I was living in a small tourist coastal town – I became aware of an Energy Technique that really helped me and I was interested to know more.
I am currently upskilling and upgrading my education in this modality of ThetaHealing®. I love it for many reasons – One that it is an ethical practice, following good protocol and professional boundaries.
I love that it works with prayer.
I now have the qualifications to teach some of the classes. Theta Healing can change our lives, if we so desire.

I am happy to incorporate this Energy Healing Technique to my consultations, adding as a separate appointment. I respect that some will not ‘go’ for this esoteric work and just want Medical Herbalism in it’s clinical sense to help them regain a happy good balanced state of Health.

I will NEVER retire – I will always do my work (mahi) this is my purpose in life – to work with the plants and to work with the Creator Of All That Is helping others.


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